On behalf of The Berger Firm

An Effective Prenuptial Agreement for Professional Women

Being the primary breadwinner for a family can be very fulfilling, especially for women who have worked hard on their careers. However, many Kentucky women in this position tend to overlook the importance of protecting their income, assets, and everything else that comes along with this position.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Texting Drivers Are Putting You in Harm’s Way

Texting is one of the easiest and fastest ways of communicating with one another. Whether you need to check in with your teen or let someone know that you are running late, there is a good chance that you will be texting.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

What Happens when You Refuse a Breathalyzer Test

Traffic stops are stressful experiences that can understandably put drivers on edge. Some drivers may even make decisions that seem to make sense in the moment, even if they would have done differently in a less stressful situation. For example, drivers who are stopped on the suspicion of drunk driving might decide to refuse to take a Breathalyzer test.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Why Waiting to Divorce Can Sometimes Be Best

There is no way to avoid change in life. However, it is easy to get overwhelmed when faced with one change after another. This is why some people in Kentucky may find it beneficial to delay divorce if they are already dealing with other significant life events.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Are Tax Problems Hiding in Your Divorce?

Having a sense of financial security is important. Unfortunately, there are many things in life that can compromise one’s finances and stability. This can happen during a divorce, especially when couples overlook essential tax information. Careful attention to detail can help avoid these costly tax mistakes.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

The 3 Types of Distracted Driving

Everybody in northern Kentucky knows that using your cellphone with your hand while driving is a form of distracted driving, even the people who choose to do it anyway. But you may not realize how little distraction it takes to reduce a driver’s ability to drive safely.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Just how Accurate Is the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test?

If you’ve ever been stopped under suspicion of drunk driving, then you may have taken the horizontal gaze nystagmus field sobriety test. This is also called the HGN and is among the most common standardized field sobriety tests.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Empty Roads Shouldn’t Mean Speeding Up

Living in Covington, there is likely not a day that goes by that you don’t see or hear about a crash on I-75. The highway has always been backed up around rush hour, and it’s constantly busy. Combined with driving differences between Ohioans and Kentuckians, this environment is prone to collisions.
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