On behalf of The Berger Firm

Proactive Things to Do when Unemployed

Kentucky residents who have lost a job understand the hardships of making ends meet. There may be no easy way of looking at unemployment, but there are some ways an individual can turn this life chapter into a process of growth. Although each financial situation is different from the next, the following tips can help the unemployed move forward.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Breathalyzer Rules in Kentucky

Everyone knows that the legal limit for intoxication in Kentucky, and most of the rest of the country, is .08% blood alcohol content (BAC). If police pull you over and give you a test and it comes back below that point, then you are in the clear. Or are you?
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Student Loans and Bankruptcy: The Ins and Outs

The advantages of earning a college degree are endless. However, the number of the nation’s students who struggle with loan debt continues to skyrocket. In a time usually fit for celebration, countless graduates reach a new hurdle: looming debt that can hang over one’s shoulders for decades.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

What Should I Know About Division of Assets?

No matter how long you’ve been married, Kentucky couples and those elsewhere, are in for some trying times when a marriage ends. The situation is stressful for all involved, including the one seeking a divorce. Emotions run high on both sides and change frequently, from anger to denial, heartbreak, and confusion.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Why Does Anyone Think Drunk Driving is OK?

Have you ever wondered why people continue to drive intoxicated when it seems that everybody in Kentucky must have seen and heard about the destruction it can cause? From billboards along the highway to online ads, surely everyone knows better by now. So why is it still a problem?
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Are Unemployment Rates in America Really Changing?

A current topic of debate, unemployment has been at the forefront of concern for many Americans. Under a Trump administration, the country has been informed that slow job growth would see future change; so far, that change has been evident but minimal.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

What Constitutes Distracted Driving?

When we hear “distracted driving,” most of us envision a teenager behind the wheel texting a friend or Snapchatting with some silly filter while sitting in traffic. In reality, while those examples certainly fit the definition, distracted driving is a much broader issue.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Kentucky DUI Laws Every Defendant Should Know

If you are facing criminal charges, you need to be aware of the laws and your rights as you seek to counter the claims made by police. Criminal defense relies on having a strong legal team, knowledgeable of the laws when presenting your case before the judge. The best place to begin is with the basics of state DUI laws.
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On behalf of The Berger Firm

Applying Dram Shop Liability to Your Drunk Driving Case

Most of those who come to see us here at The Berger Firm after having been charged with driving under the influence in Covington typically state that they would never even previously thought of getting behind the wheel after drinking. You likely share the same assumption.
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