Truck Accident Attorneys in Covington, Kentucky

Anyone who has ever shared the road with an 18-wheeler, tractor-trailer, or another large truck knows how tense and scary it can be. Due to their enormous size, trucks can cause devastation when involved in an accident. One wrong move can lead to a disaster.  

At The Berger Firm, we have witnessed firsthand the toll that these accidents can take on people’s lives. Whether you have suffered a serious injury or your loved one was killed in a truck accident, you deserve nothing less than the best representation. Our personal injury attorneys in Covington, Kentucky, are dedicated to helping clients fight for justice and their rightful compensation. We represent injured victims and their families in Florence, Newport, as well as throughout Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati.   

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Injuries in Truck Accidents

Given the size of the vehicles involved, injuries in truck accidents tend to be more severe, disabling, and life-threatening. Common injuries suffered by victims of these accidents include: 

  • Traumatic brain injuries 

  • Neck injuries 

  • Back injuries 

  • Spinal cord injuries 

  • Paralysis 

  • Broken bones and bone fractures 

  • Severe burns 

  • Internal injuries 

  • Loss of limb 

  • Disfigurement  

Regardless of how severe your injuries are and what your medical expenses are, you deserve compensation for all the damages and losses you suffered.  

Fault in Truck Accidents

An experienced truck accident attorney in Covington, Kentucky, can conduct an in-depth investigation into the cause of your accident and identify at-fault parties. While each case is unique, the parties that could face liability include: 

  • Truck driver. A large percentage of truck accidents occur due to negligence on the part of the truck driver.  

  • Trucking company. Unless the trucker is an independent contractor, the trucking company may be held vicariously liable for the accident.  

  • Shipping company. The shipper is often responsible for loading the cargo onto the truck. 

  • Maintenance company. Trucking companies often hire third-party maintenance companies to conduct inspections and maintain the fleet in good condition.  

  • Manufacturer. When a truck accident is caused by defects in the vehicle, the manufacturer of the truck or its part could be held liable.  

But what if you, as the victim, are partially at fault for the accident? In Kentucky, which uses a pure comparative negligence model, your own fault can impact your claim for compensation. Under this rule, your recoverable damages will be reduced in proportion to your degree of fault.  

Proving Your Truck Accident Case

In most truck accident cases, negligence is the main legal theory when it comes to proving liability. Negligence can be established by proving these four factors: 

  1. The defendant owed you a duty of care (e.g., the truck driver owes a duty to exercise ordinary diligence to prevent harm to others on the road);  

  1. The defendant breached the duty (e.g., the truck driver disregarded the traffic laws);  

  1. The breach of duty led to the accident (e.g., the truck ran a red light and collided with the plaintiff’s vehicle); and 

  1. The accident led to the plaintiff’s injuries and damages (e.g., the plaintiff suffered a back injury and required expensive, life-long treatment).  

An experienced attorney can help you prove these elements by building a strong case and gathering all available pieces of evidence, including the police report, surveillance footage, witness statements, the truck’s black box data, the trucker’s logbook, and others.  

How Can a Truck Accident Attorney Help?

If you have suffered injuries or lost a loved one in a truck accident, you might want to seek legal representation from an attorney to assist you with the following: 

  • Conducting a thorough investigation to identify liable parties 

  • Gathering evidence to build a case on your behalf 

  • Negotiating with the trucking company, insurance company, and other parties 

  • Working with experts such as medical professionals and accident reconstructionist specialists to strengthen your case 

  • Determining how much your case is worth 

  • Addressing allegations of comparative negligence 

  • Representing your interests in court if your case goes to trial 

Being involved in a truck accident can be a traumatizing and overwhelming experience. However, you do not have to deal with the aftermath alone. Our attorneys at The Berger Firm can walk you through every step of the claims process and fight for the compensation you need to get your life back on track. 

Truck Accident Attorneys in Covington, Kentucky

At The Berger Firm, we have a long record of standing up for truck accident victims and their families and helping them get the justice they deserve. Our truck accident attorneys in Covington, Kentucky, take these cases personally and fight for clients as we would fight for our families. You can reach out to our office and schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today.