What Evidence Do Police Officers Gather for DUI Cases?
Evidence is crucial for the enforcement of the law via criminal charges. Police officers have to collect evidence to support their accusations when they want a prosecutor to bring charges against an individual.
Different offenses require different kinds of evidence in order for a conviction to occur. What kind of evidence do law enforcement officers typically gather when looking into and alleged driving under the influence (DUI) infraction?
The Officer’s Experience Is Important Evidence
The officer will very likely provide a written statement or even testimony in court regarding the behavior that prompted them to conduct the traffic stopped and the interaction that they had with the defendant during the traffic stop. They will also likely testify regarding how someone performed on a field sobriety test and about the administration of a chemical breath test.
The Officers Will Record the Results of A Field Sobriety Test
There are certain physical tests that officers perform during a DUI stop to look for signs of potential chemical impairment. These tests include a gaze test that examines the motion in your eyes as well as tests that probe your balance, motor function, memory or speech. The results of each test will go into the officer’s report and will become important evidence during court proceedings.
The Officer Will Likely Also Try to Use Chemical Evidence
Performing a chemical breath test is one way for officers to validate their belief that someone is under the influence of alcohol. They will likely provide breath test results in their report which will then become evidence used by the court. It is possible to challenge the evidence collected against you, especially if you have reason to suspect an issue with the breath test or a medical condition that explains why you failed the field sobriety test.
If you are facing charges for a DUI, it is important to act quickly. There are time limits associated with various parts of a DUI charge, including providing a defense against losing your driving privileges. An attorney can provide helpful advice and guidance.