Powell County Collision Produces Fatal Results
Collisions between cars and motorcycles in Covington often result in the motorcyclists involved suffering serious injuries. The lack of protection afforded by motorcycles makes them more susceptible to injury in such incidents. That may lead to an unwarranted belief that such accidents are almost always the fault of the motorists involved. Yet in many cases, motorcyclists may indeed be the ones to blame. Practices such as lane-splitting or trying to maneuver motorcycles tightly between vehicles may increase the risk of an accident. While motorists should indeed make an increased effort to be aware of motorcyclists on the road, motorcyclists are also charged with avoiding reckless behavior.
Such behavior can often produce devastating results. Such was the case in a collision that occurred between a truck and a motorcycle in Powell County. The accident occurred on Route 77. Witnesses say that the motorcyclist (who was also carrying a passenger on his bike) attempted to turn on to Kentucky Highway 15 South. While the exact details of the collision have still not been reported, the motorcycle ended up colliding with the truck, and its rider and passengers were killed in the process. The driver of the truck was also injured in the collision. He was taken to a local hospital.
When an accident occurs, most plan on auto insurance providing a bulk of the financial assistance needed to cover its expenses. Yet there may be cases where the compensation offered by insurance might not be enough. In such a scenario, one might be left with little choice but to seek compensation from the responsible party. Such action may have a better chance at succeeding if one has an experienced attorney in their corner.