Auto Fatalities Involving Speed or Alcohol
It is no secret that drinking and driving is dangerous yet you know doubt see or hear reports about people in Kentucky continuing to be hit by drivers who have made this risky decision. The same is true when it come to speeding as numerous people continue to make the choice to drive recklessly and ignore posted speed limits. These decisions put innocent people at risk for no good reason.
Sadly, the statistics provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show just how many lives are lost to speeding or drunk drivers every year. In Kenton County alone, 57 people were killed in automobile accidents over the five years from 2013 to 2017. Of those people, 21 died in crashes in which alcohol was involved and another seven perished in wrecks in which excessive speed was deemed a factor.
Across the entire state of Kentucy, the problem can be seen as well. In 2017, the state experienced 782 total vehicular fatalities. A total of 181 of those deaths involved alcohol and 131 of them involved speeding. From 2013 to 2017, the state lost between 166 and 192 lives each year to drunk drivers and between 125 and 140 lives each year to speeding drivers. These deaths are completely avoidable if drivers would only stop to consider their actions.
If you would like to learn more about how to get help for yourself or a loved one after an accident caused by a drunk or speeding driver, please feel free to visit the crash assistance page of our Kentucky personal injury and motor vehicle accident website.